Volunteering opportunities

Please click on the links below or email [email protected] for more information

Group secretary
Website assistant

Uniformed Weekly helper- Cubs (section assistant)

Young Leader (14-18)- Beavers/Cubs


Where to find us

The Woodside, Bolnore Village

Click to open a larger map

Upcoming Events Summer term 24

Cub camp- 24th-26th May
Butterfly farm visit (Beavers and Cubs)- 11th June
Scout camp - 21st- 23rd June
Sports day (All Sections) - 9th July
AGM - 16th July

Meeting times

All sections meet on Tuesdays
(Term Time only)
Beavers: 16:45-17:55
Cubs: 18:00-19:25
Scouts: 19:30-21:00

OSM Parent Login

Login to Online Scout Manager (OSM) to see section programme, subscriptions and get parent discounts.  
Links in emails that you've been sent will take you straight to details without needing to sign in.  
Badge progress and personalised placement diagrams can also be found on OSM.

Waiting lists

For children aged 6-8.  Join the Beavers waiting list.  The wait list can be joined from the age of 4.

For children aged 8-10½. Join the Cubs waiting list. Bolnore Cubs is currently FULL with an active wait list.

For children aged 10½-14 Join the Scouts waiting list.

Policies and Codes of Conduct

Contact details

Group Scout Leader (GSL) [email protected]

Beavers – [email protected]

Cubs- [email protected]

Scouts – [email protected]