Scouts is for young people aged between 10½ and 14 years who want to make friends and develop their widening interests in ways that are both educational and fun.
The Troop consists of Patrols led by the Patrol Leader (PL) and Assistant Patrol Leader (APL). PLs share responsibility with the adult Scout Leader for maintaining standards and training within the Troop. The patrol system is all important in the Troop, with many activities, including camping, being led by the PL.
Scouts are encouraged to take part in the decision making process and regular forums provide the opportunity for them to contribute towards the planning of the Troop’s activities.
Camping is fundamental to scouting, especially in our Troop. Activities over the year within the Patrol, Troop, Group or District may include camping skills such as equipment, fires and cooking, as well as first aid, hiking, climbing, abseiling, canoeing, kayaking, and shooting. The highlight for most Scouts is the annual camp.
The uniform consists of a long sleeved shirt (available from the Scout Store) and group necker.
Scouts badge placement diagram.
Our scouts meet at the Woodside during term times:
TUESDAY 7.30-9.00PM (after Easter 2023)